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GreenRoad Connect™ is a CALAMP hardware device installed within vehicles to collect vehicle health data from the vehicle’s CANbus (e.g. fuel levels, fuel efficiency - MPG, oil pressure, oil temperature, etc.) and report it to the GreenRoad Central™ web portal.
It is important to monitor this information to enable optimal vehicle maintenance and to manage fleet costs.

Green LED: displays the GPS status
GPS Off = Off
GPS On = Slow Blinking
GPS Time Sync = Fast Blinking
GPS Fix = Solid
Orange LED: displays the communication status
Modem Off = LED Off
Comm On – Searching = Slow Blinking
Network Available = Fast Blinking
Registered but no Ack from IOP = 4 Fast Blinks with a Pause
ALL OK = Solid
Red LED: displays the Ignition
Flashing Red = Ignition on
LED Off = Ignition off
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