Fleet Elite
Generate Fleet Elite Certificate in Central
Fleet Elite status is awarded to all drivers who maintain a GreenRoad Safety Score of 5 or below for the entire calendar year – as long as they drive a minimum of 500 hours during the period.
Drivers who earn Fleet Elite status for the first year are awarded a Green status, Silver and Gold status are awarded for the second and third consecutive year, and those who earn Fleet Elite again for the 4th year (or more) become Master Fleet Elite.
To add to the pride of the winning drivers, fleets can print out Fleet Elite certificates and award them to the honorees. This can be done easily through Central.
Fleet Elite awards in Central
1. Go to the Users view under the Admin > Fleet Setup tab
2. The “Latest Fleet Elite Status” column represents the driver’s Fleet Elite ranking for the current year.
The data in the column will be updated each year, typically in January of the following year.
3. Use the “Fleet Elite” filter to review only the drivers who currently have Fleet Elite status:
Generating a Fleet Elite digital certificate
Managers with a “Fleet Elite Certificate” permission can easily generate digital certificates for an individual driver or for multiple drivers simultaneously.
Generating a Fleet Elite certificate for a single driver
1. Choose the specific driver for whom you wish to create a digital certificate
2. Click the PDF icon:
3. A popup message will appear with the driver’s name as it is recorded in the system (in the First and Last name columns)
If you want the name to appear differently on the certificate, change it here (the limit is 30 characters):
Note: when editing a driver’s name, the newly modified name will only be updated in the PDF format of the certificate and not in the Fleet Setup tab. Moreover, an error message will appear when the manager tries to print or download the certificate if the 30-character limit is exceeded:
4. Click the Print button if you wish to print the digital certificate.
Click the Download button if you wish to save the digital certificate locally.
Click the Cancel button to go back to the previous Fleet Setup view.
Generating a Fleet Elite certificate for multiple drivers
1. Choose the drivers for whom you wish to create digital certificates.
2. Click the PDF icon:
3. A popup message will appear:
4. Click the Print button if you wish to print the digital certificates.
Click the Download button if you wish to save the digital certificates locally.
Click the Cancel button to go back to the previous Fleet Setup view.
Note: you can select up to 50 drivers to create a single PDF file that can be printed or saved locally.
User Permissions
The ability to print a certificate is limited to users who are selected by the customer. Only managers at the root organizational unit (OU) level can provide this permission to other managers within the organization. This means that only managers at the root OU level can activate or deactivate the new "Fleet Elite Certificate" permission.
When the "Fleet Elite certificate" checkbox is selected, this manager receives full access to the feature, allowing her/him to generate digital certificate for drivers.
When the checkbox is not selected, this manager is not able to generate digital certificates through Central, and the PDF icon is not visible to him/her. However, s/he is still able to view the "Latest Fleet Elite Status" column in the Admin > Fleet setup > Users view.
Note: When a Manager that is located at the root organizational level grants (or revokes) the "Fleet Elite Certificate" permission for themselves, they will need to refresh the page to observe the applied changes in the tab.
Furthermore, for a Manager to access the PDF icon and generate a Fleet Elite certificate, they must hold both the "Fleet Elite Certificate" permission and "Full Control" in the Users permission. Otherwise, the Manager will be unable to generate certificates.
What would the Fleet Elite drivers see from their end?
Every eligible Fleet Elite driver will receive a badge icon (in the Settings tab), with the color of the badge indicating their Fleet Elite status:
Green badges will be given to drivers with Green Fleet Elite status: that is, drivers who are in their first year of being recognized as Fleet Elite drivers.
Silver badges will be given to drivers with Silver Fleet Elite status: that is, drivers who have achieved Fleet Elite status for the second consecutive year.
Gold badges will be given to drivers with Gold Fleet Elite status: that is, drivers who have earned Fleet Elite recognition for the third consecutive year.
Master badges will be given to drivers with Master Fleet Elite status: that is, drivers who have been honored as Fleet Elite for the fourth consecutive year.